Emotionally Sensitive and Empaths
You’re exhausted - you experience so many emotional highs and lows. You’ve been told to stop “worrying” and being “too sensitive” for as long as you can remember. Sometimes your emotional pain can be SO INTENSE you will do whatever you can to get some relief.
Your thoughts pop up non-stop and oftentimes you’re either regretting the past or worrying about the future. On hard days, your inner voice can be SO MEAN. It tells you that you’re never going to find someone who loves you and that you are destined to fail.
Even though you are surrounded by a lot of people who tell you that they love and care about you, you have an aching sense that they don’t really understand you. You feel guilty because there’s this part of you that knows you have a great life, yet there are so many moments where you can’t seem to fully appreciate all that you have.
You keep telling yourself you’re gonna stop the cycle of doing things that make it worse: drinking too much, eating too much, or isolating yourself. You’ve tried to make the thoughts and feelings ‘go away’... to become less emotional… but that definitely doesn’t last.
It feels like you are at the whim of your emotions and on a never-ending rollercoaster. You’re tired of doing things that seem to make your life even harder and you need someone to help you break this cycle so that you can feel in charge of your own life.

We’re here to help
Who we are
We are a team of licensed mental health practitioners who understand how overwhelming life can be. We have experienced the pain of listening to a critical internal voice. We know the struggle and want to teach you skills so you can thrive.
what we do
We teach you practical tools that can help you navigate the rollercoaster of life. Our services are unique and effective because they are action-oriented. Sometimes it’s not enough to talk through things—you need someone to empower you to start taking action in order to get to where you want to go.
how we do it.
Our clinicians utilize a variety of modalities in treatment, including EMDR, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and drama therapy. We support you in understanding and breaking from unwanted behavior patterns. We practice social-justice-informed therapy and provide a space for you to be your fullest most authentic self.

Interested in learning some tools ASAP to help you navigate your sensitivity?
Introducing EMPOWERED Feelers
A LIVE intimate group coaching program to level up your emotion regulation skills and improve your quality of life in just 6 weeks with a mix of video and interactive group coaching.