Teaching DBT Skills?

Wait until you hear about Action-Based DBT…

Person sitting with head resting on hand, looking thoughtful—symbolizing deep reflection, engagement, or emotional processing in a therapy setting

DBT Facilitators - Picture this.

Every client in the group holds a paper copy of Distress Tolerance Handout 11 from the infamous DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets manual. Each group member is taking turns reading about Radical Acceptance. As you begin to expand on why it is important to accept reality, you notice clients nodding off, one by one. To engage the group, you ask, “Is anyone willing to share a reality they are currently fighting?” Nobody answers. You provide a personal example about how you did not want to radically accept that you stained your shirt this morning when you spilled your freshly made blueberry smoothie. You ask the group what this example brings up for them. Silence. You then ask if anyone has questions. A client speaks up: “Can I use the bathroom?”

You’re Feeling Stuck.

You’re feeling dissatisfied with the way clients are responding to how you are teaching DBT skills. There seems to be dysregulation everywhere, which either looks likes clients getting anxious and activated or completely shutting down. You get feedback from group members that the topics are “boring” or that it is difficult to grasp the concepts you're teaching. The diverse learning styles you encounter add another layer of complexity, and it feels difficult to foster a cohesive group atmosphere where clients feel safe and supported.

fun group therapy activities - teaching dbt skills

Ready to spice up your DBT groups and individual sessions?


The Action-Based DBT program manual provides a creative, integrated approach to DBT skills training. This book includes protocols that incorporate dramatic processes — such as improvisation, role-play, and storytelling — to support participants in learning and internalizing DBT skills. Additionally, there is an appendix of different drama therapy exercises that can be used in any group format!

Action-Based DBT Manual: The Preview

Action-Based DBT Manual: The Preview

Clear outlines to help you prepare for each session.

Overview , Action-Based DBT Manual: The Preview

Take a Look!

Research-based topics and activities for each session.

Action-Based DBT Manual: The Preview 2

Detailed explanation of client and therapist roles.

The Details


This manual offers therapists a researched and actionable support plan for clients as they navigate the intensity of their emotions.


After a $15 purchase through the link below, you will have immediate access to the manual to begin work with your clients!


I believe in the power of DBT and am confident that the sessions outlined in the manual will support you and your client.

Ready to order a copy of the Action-Based DBT program manual?